Saturday, April 26, 2008


Well, the other night I think I totally could have eaten a whole package of bacon. I had fed the kids supper and I totally was craving bacon so I cooked it up. I did share some with the kids because I know they like it also but I really could have eaten it all. The unfortunate thing about being pregnant and eating bacon is you don't feel like it after and it is all you can smell for 2 days. Oh well.

Things are going well. I found my first varicose vein and I am really sad. I thought I was free and clear of them because I have not had them with any other pregnancy. Well, I had a pain on my leg and I just thought it was leg pregnancy pain and then I saw it last night. I was pretty sad. I called my sister because has dealt with them more than I have. Anyway, I guess we are starting that. Not fun.

We had a crazy week but luckily soccer has been cancelled most of the week. The only problem is they keep rescheduling it. Oh well, the kids love it.

I took them to the Coralville Mall last night because the children's museum was free and so was the merry-go-round. They had a lot of fun. We got home and got to bed by ten and I was hoping they would have a good sleep in. Most of them did which was nice. Right now everyone is bathed and ready for bed. Neil is reading Narnia with Ridley, Josie is watching a movie laying down. Austyn is reading Nancy Drew, Madison is cleaning the attic while she watches tv. (I hope anyway) and Regan is down here pushing a truck around. It is very quiet and we are winding down and going to get to bed early. Life is great!!!

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