Monday, October 11, 2010

The road to He%% is paved with good intentions.

HAHAHA, I always think I am full of good intentions, and I asked Neil a few years ago what that saying was that talked about good intentions. When he told me what it was It was not what I was thinking.... Anyway, it just makes me laugh anytime I think I have good intentions.

I was going to blog the next day after my last posting. I had a great thought of the day and everything. WELL, here we are a month later. I now have a thought of the month that will hopefully end up thought of the week or maybe even thought of the day at some point in my life....

So, my thought of the day is the one that I was going to use 1 month ago. I was taking Regan to preschool as there was a sticker on the back of a truck that caught my eye. It was of a cowboy was kneeling down by a grave with a horse right behind him . First of all I love horses and grew up riding horses at my grandpa's house. Also I have a little bit of a cowgirl in me and loved that picture. It made me think of my grandpa, horses, home. Enjoy your family, friends, loved ones. People come in to our lives that make us smile. That is nice. I love smiling and think life is so much more enjoyable when we enjoy what we are doing. Even the crappy parts of it. So look for the happiness in your life!

Alright, so there is my thought for the month that will hopefully end up being sooner next time!!

Enjoy your Day, I am off to get kids from school!

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