Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"Did I make a difference"

It has been such a long time. I actually didn't think I would blog again. I just don't seem have things to blog about when I sit down to the computer. But I just read a friends blog and it really reminded me of all the choices I have made and how I am mostly happy with those choices.

I recently taught a class at a Stake Youth Activity about Talents, Confidence and shining from within. I am passionate about shining from within and confidnece and talents. And I love how all of the them intertwine. We went over the parable of the talents and it really taught me a lot after hearing it for years. I quoted from someone about how it wasn't about how many talents we are given, but did we make a difference. It really made me think of one day if I am asked "Carrie, Did you make a difference." I hope to say "yes". I know there are some days we all feel we make more of a difference than other days. And that is okay. We are here to progress and to keep doing better.

I gave my older 4 children a little book each last week. I told them to start a "Grateful Journal". I loved Journaling when I was younger. I have books upstairs in a bin of my journals. I think it is so neat to go back and read things. I need to do it with my kids sometime. I am sure they would love that. But I also did one for me. 3 things I am grateful for everyday. Journaling has been not so good lately but I miss it. So I thought this is something to go through and look at the positives of my day. And it does not take but a minute to jot them down. It has been really neat and I can't wait to go back and look at how what we are grateful for changes at different times. It also lets me reflect and think, "Did I make a difference today" . Life can be hard, it can be so busy, and it can be frustrating. But there are also so much we have to be grateful for as we look at the moments in our day.

School is coming to a close in 5 1/2 weeks. I like the summer starting because it is nice to say you can sleep in. We never do but I like that we can just do whatever. I am however so excited to have school start again. The kids have done so well this year and I am so proud of all of them.

So, I will blog again.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back!! I have missed reading your blog!

Karena said...

Well, I hope you keep blogging. It makes it nice to know how people you care about are doing.

Dawn Herring said...

I enjoyed reading about how you're helping your children to journal and that you enjoyed it as a young person.
Gratitude journaling is an excellent practice I recommend. Glad to see it is a benefit for you.
I would like to personally invite you to a chat on Twitter I host/moderate called #JournalChat, every Thursday at 2 EST/11 PST for all things journaling. Here's a link for more info:

Be refreshed,
Dawn Herring

Mama Deb said...

Yeah!! You are back!!

Elizabeth said...

Welcome back, kimosabe:)
You do make a difference in the world, my friend. I don't think I would have had the awesome memories of IA w/o you! You are a wonderful inspiration to many and a dear friend to me. I miss you!

Sara K. said...

You did and you do! You are an amazing example of selfless service to those you love, friends and family alike.