Monday, June 22, 2009

The Friends we have.

I am quite a nerd and I am totally okay with that. But there are times when I get thinking about all the people that I have met in our married life. Friends that are so great!! That we can be apart for years and then talk and get right back to talking like we were never apart. I have some really great friends like this. I always get excited to see the people I grew up with and went to school with. And especially since we are for sure going up to Canada this summer it really makes me excited to see everyone. It makes me think about the places we have lived and I would not have met these people if we were not there. I have some great friends here in Cedar Rapids and I am so happy to be here and be around such wonderful people. But I also miss the people I don't see all the time.

Sisters, I love my sisters very much. Cindy just had her baby and I am so excited to see the little baby. I need to go up and be an auntie. I am excited to do that. And to be around my sisters. We laugh and laugh. My mom was telling Austyn this morning about the time she thought I was eaten by bears in Waterton. We had gone up and along the way to Waterton Lake (I think that is what it is called) I saw a bathroom and I had to go quite bad. Well, when we got to the lake I asked if someone could drive me to the bathroom. They looked at me funny and said just go. Well, I started walking back along the road to where I saw the bathroom. I was a little scared to go in but I did and went and then as I was walking back my dad came driving up in our beautiful 70's or 80's green station wagon and he was quite worried. I had no idea, but they thought that a bear had gotten me because I took so long in the bathroom and apperently there was a bathroom 30 feet away from where we were. Anyway, there are many stories that we talk about that are quite funny. I can't wait to go and be around my family. Even though it can be dramatic and stressful sometimes because I am not always around them and we now have our life here but I do love going and being around them. There is nothiing like FAMILY!

Anyway, friends are great and I love them very much. I can even say my kids and my husband are some of my greatest friends all though I could ship them up to Canada sometimes. Ha, ha, Ha.

Well, there is my sentimental post for a while. As I am listening to my playlist of GREAT songs (so I think) It makes me think of friends and family and how exciting life can be.

So now I need to get back to life, putting the laundry away, cleaning the cupboards out (which I wanted to start today). It is too hot to make some yummy chocolate chip cookies that my neighbor Janet made. They are sooo yummy but it is sooooo hot and we don't have central air. We just have window airs. Anyway, I will go clean the cupboards out and eat some chocolate. Think of your friends and the impact they have on your life!!! Life is great!!


Shea said...

Friends are great. I feel for you not having central air. When we go to my parents I think, "How can people live this way?"LOL!

Elizabeth said...

Carrie, sorry I missed that you finally posted something! Anytime y'all want to leave your ghetto and come over to our ghetto for some aircon. let me know! We hope you have an awesome time in Canada! And try not to get eaten by any bears this time.

Anonymous said...

I am a nerd too, and like you, totally o.k. with it. Thanks for the comment about babies you left on my blog!

Susan said...

Carrie, you are so cool. "Blinded by your sheer awesome-ness" kind of cool. Nerd...whatever! I love you, Carrie!!!!

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