Well, it has been a while. I think of things to say while I am driving, nursing, cleaning, etc. But then I get to the computer and forget them all. Also, our internet has been not working right so it is hard to get onto anything.
Well, I have been trying to figure out if we can make it up to Canada this summer. I would love to go and visit our families and my sister is having her 3rd child in June. When we left the last time we were in Canada she had her second. Like 10 days after we left. I told her to keep walking but she would not. Anyway, I would love to get up there. But when kids start getting older there are more things that keep them busy. School will go until June 11 this year because of the added snow days we had. Then Austyn has girls camp a week after they get out of school. She is able to do the College for Kids thing for two weeks in the summer and since we cannot do session A because of girls camp it will have to be Session B which runs until July 24th. So we have August and I hope it works out. We will see.
Reece is coming up on 5 months now. Very hard to believe. He got his first 2 teeth at 4 months. He has been kind of fussy at nights the last couple of nights and I am wondering if it is more teeth or what the deal is. We will see. He is doing well. All the kids are doing well. We have had a cold a couple of weeks ago and Regan and Austyn were throwing up this past weekend but I am hopeing that is it! I took Ridley to his gymnastic competition on Saturday and it was a couple of hours away. He says the funniest things. He was asking if Canada or USA had the most fields. Anyway, here is how it went.
Ridley: I know who has the most syrup out of Canada and USA
Me: Who?
Ridley: Dah, the canadian Flag has a maple leaf on it and Grandma has a huge bucket of syrup at her house.
Me: Laughing.
He is quite funny and keeps all of us laughing. He came home from a Primary Activity on Valentines day and they had done coupon books to give to people. Ridley showed me his and they all had a video game written on it and various amount of money by it. Then he asked me if after this we could go to Best Buy and use his coupons to get Video games. I told him it is not a Best buy coupon. It does not say Best Buy on it. He told me he could write it on. We talked on the way home about coupons and how they work. It was quite funny.
Anyway, I have a baby who is starting to cry so I better run. Speaking of I told Neil I will run a marathon in Hawaii. He said okay. I have wanted to run a marathon one day and I think going to Hawaii would really, really get me motivated to train for one. It won't be tomorrow but I am wanting to do it in the next 5 years for sure. I am excited.
Children's logic is more fun that real logic. I want to make Best Buy coupons and have them work too!
we are hoping to go to canada this august also. we haven't been back there since our oldest was 6 weeks old- he's now 10. my kids have year round school, so august is our month off. that would be so fun if we could see you up there!!!
Good to see you , even if it is in passing for three seconds. Sounds like you have been super busy. Won't it be great when the sickness is done. It seems to be one thing or another. I hope you get to Canada this year... that would be so nice for your family. And good luck on the marathon- a good goal.
For the record Carrie, here in America we say "Duh" not "Dah" and "Bag" not "Beg". :) And even though you Canadians definately have the monopoly on maple syrup, we must be the champions of ketchup. I think you should totally run in Hawaii. That would be awesome! Can I be your manager and come with you. I will drive the little car behind you and squirt electrolytes in your mouth as I drive by! Think about it. Keep running and fighting to Pink and you'll get there!
Marathon? Why? I just don't get it. I'm training for a 10K and I think that's crazy. Hope you can make it to Canada this summer.
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