Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Here I am.

I know it has been quite a while since I blogged. I do think of great, funny things to say, but then I get to the computer and go blank but also I have not had time to get on and blog. I hear Reece starting to get upset, but I have a few minutes. I really enjoy facebook. I have gotten in contact with friends from high school and relatives. Neil's relatives and I think it is absolutely great. I love family and love being able to keep in touch.

Well, we got through last week. It was Monday, Early dismissal because of a storm; Tuesday, Late start because of said storm; Wednesday, No school because of cold and snow; Thursday, no school because of cold; Friday, NO SCHOOL BECAUSE OF COLD! We got to monday and it was a half day (yesterday). Well, my kids are still alive. No it was okay but after Christmas break not being that long ago I was getting tired of it. We got through and all is well. Today they are back in school. There is a lot of snow out and if there are any more snow days will be going to school for half the summer. Not really but we are already going to June 11th.

Well, things are good here. Reece is growing and no I still have no pictures off my camera (SORRY, SORRY). I know. He is smiling and starting to laugh and is really a good baby. He sleeps good at night also. Well, he is really starting to cry now.

Anyway, I just wanted to check in and let everyone know I am still here. I love to read peoples blogs and don't like it when there are large gaps. So now I am doing that. Anyway, the inaguration (however you spell it) is today and it makes me very emotional to see everything that happens with that. The leaving of the current President and then the coming of the new President. What a great planned out system it is. I really enjoy watching it. I am recording it and sharing with Regan. He watches some Dora and then I watch some of the things on today. Take Care. Everyone enjoy your day and this beautiful country that we live in. (Canada is also beautiful). We just are lucky to be here and have the opportunities that we have here. HAVE A GREAT DAY!


Chaney said...

I'm glad you guys are staying warm! I heard it was really cold there. I have to say that I'm glad I'm not there to experience the cold!! I'd like just 1 snow day because then Stuart would get the day off as well and we would get to spend some time with him.

Anonymous said...

Glad you survived last week. It was a killer, especially after the holiday break. You are a trooper to keep up the blog with, how many? 6 kids? AMAZING!! If you ever get my comment here you should check out my blog at www.weloveiowa.blogspot.com. I've set a New Year's Resolution of one photo a day. It's been super challenging, but I've posted one everyday since Jan 1st. We'll see how long it can go. Some days are hard coming up with ideas, but I want it to represent our lives and our surroundings. I'm going to put it into a scrapbook. It was good seeing you the other day. It's been forever. It seems now that we are separate wards we never see anyone!! Take care!