Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Well, Life is good. I have not blogged for a while. But things are going well. I am bouncing back very quickly and doing well. Which is always nice. Reece is doing well. He is up to 8 pounds 12 oz and his is sure a great baby. There are a few times when life is crazy, getting the kids off to school or getting supper ready and he is crying. but I just take a deep breath and do what I can. The kids help out a lot. Regan has sure been great. He loves the baby. He is sure good in the mornings. It has sure been nice. Josie is loving preschool. I had to laugh the other day because she told me she wants to be called by her nick name which is Josie Anderson. I asked her why it was Josie Anderson and she said that is what your nick name is. My Maiden name is Carrie Anderson. I thought that was funny.

My mom and grandma are coming out on November 8 - 15 which I am really excited about. It will be nice to visit with them and just have some extra hands around. I am always wondering how I will do it after my mom comes but it is so nice to have her help when she is here. But I do it. It is the trunk -o-treat tonight at the church. So we will most likely do that. Neil and Ridley are going to a Minnesota Wild/Montreal Canadians NHL game tomorrow. They are staying up in Minneapolis by the Excel Center where they will be playing. I know they are both excited and will have a lot of fun. Then it is Halloween. We will get that over with and then gear up for Thanksgiving which I am excited about to have a turkey dinner. And then it is christmas. It will be a lot of fun. I always enjoy getting the tree and smelling that beautiful pine smell. EXCITING.

Well, things are going well. I get tired but overall I have really been relaxing during the day. I do get a lot done while Reece is sleeping but I try to relax a lot also. Good times.


Shelli McCullough said...

I am so glad that things are going so well with you and your family. That is so funny, my maiden name is also Anderson. It is nice to have things to look forward to, especially Christmas,it is my favorite!

Shea said...

I'm glad it's going so well. When will we see pictures?