Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Almost 2 weeks down.

Well, we are almost at 2 weeks down of Neil's trip. Then 1 more week. It has not been to bad. Things are going quite well. I sure am glad that the kids are in school. That has sure helped. I took Josie to her Preschool orientation this morning which was really fun and I think she will really like it. She starts on Monday Woo, Woo!!! I think she will have so much fun at preschool!

I have loved getting the kids to bed and sitting. It is 7:15 and they are going to bed soon to read. Some nights they get to read for a while when they go to bed a little earlier.

Anyway, things are going well. I like to sit down and have some treats all by myself, Ice cream, licorice, chocolate, whatever is around. I don't eat all of that at once but some of the stuff.

Well, I am running out of things to say as I am feeling really tired and like I am starting to get a cold.

Good night!


Shea said...

That is a long time to not have a husband. I only have two kids and I'd be stressed, plus I'm not pregnant!

alicia said...

You're amazing to be alone so long with so many children... and to keep a positive attitude!