Tuesday, August 19, 2008


HEY EVERYONE I am so excited, I have comments. Sorry Shea and Chelle and Alicia that it took me till now to see you have commented. I am very excited.

Anyway, 1 week today until school starts. I have thoroughly enjoyed my kids being home but it is the natural circle of life (which is great) that brings the fall back and school starting again. IT IS TIME!. I am ready for them to get back to school, not so ready to wake up and make lunches but I am going to try and do a lot at night before we wake up. We will see how long I stay that organized. They are outside playing right now because it is not going to be such a humid day and I just needed a little peace and quiet for a minute. I am going to vacuum and will get to it as soon as I am done this.

Neil is leaving on Sunday for France for 3 weeks. School will start while he is gone, Ridley will turn 7 while he is gone (so we are celebrating his birthday tonight) but we will do it.

I got my haircut last night and I love it. It is quite short in the back and a little longer on the sides. I feel Sassy. I really enjoy getting my haircut and finding a cute hairstyle.

Anyway, Thanks for the comments. You made my day. Shea, I saw you had cancelled the supper. I totally understand why. Hopefully we will be up next summer. There is a Calgary Marathon that Neil was looking at running in but this year it was in July and next year it says it is in May. That would not work us. Anyway, we will see what happens.


alicia said...

You're funny. Glad you saw your comments. Sorry Niel is leaving soon. Let me know if I can be of help to you.

Shea said...

I hope you are there next year also.