Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I am a little stumped on things to say. I think of a little thing here and there and then I get to the computer and really can't think of anything. We are getting ready for soccer tonight. Madison has a practice from 5:30 - 6:30. Ridley's is 5:30 - 6:00. I am the coach. Then we have to run home grab Austyn, Josie and Regan and then run to Activity Days. I am the leader and tonight I will be hauling all my kids. FUN. NOT. Anyway, things are going well. Neil had a big presentation today that he was doing to Airbus in France and I hope that went well. I have not talked to him yet. We are excited to have him home. But I think he will be home for a bit and then back off to france. Can you say, AIR MILES. That at least is one thing that is good is he is racking up some airmiles. Except Austyn has been watching the news to much and seeing airplane crashes and now does not want to fly anywhere. She said the other day, "Who needs to go to Hawaii, we can just to California. That will be so much fun. There is the beach and hotels and Disneyland." She really does not want to fly anywhere. I told her she may change her mind sometime. And if not we will just drive wherever we want to go and we obviously won't be going to Hawaii or France or somewhere you have to fly. Oh well. We are a happy family that is what matter. Well, most of the time.

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