Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Well, it is summer. How lovely!! I actually am always so excited for summer. I always picture us waking up slowly after I have slept in until 8:00 a.m. with my kids getting themselves breakfast and not bothering me in my blissful sleep!! Ha, Ha, Ha. The first week is crazy with Austyn having swim camp from 7-9 a.m. the getting Ridley to Cub Day camp then having the rest of the day which was nice and then getting Ridley again. There were more that happened in that week but I can't remember what it was. I have now blocked it out and moved on to this week where I am running all morning taking kids to Discover summer school which is a fun thing for Madison and Ridley to Gymnastics which he will now spend about 81/2 hours at the gym per week. It could be worse but he really wants to become an olympic gymnast so he loves to do it.

Well, there have only been a few times that I have cursed summer holidays!! But then I get the kids doing something so I can have a little break and then it is all good. I am happy Regan will be going to preschool next year. Anyway, I love them home and it has overall been nice. We have gone to the pool which they love! Reece even loves it now. He was not to excited about it at the start.

Thanks for all your comments. I am glad to see that people read my blog and care about "The Roelofs Story".

Enjoy your DAY!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I love the mountains. Well, that is I like to have them at least 1 hour away. Alberta is perfect. You can see the beautiful mountains in the background but you still have the beautiful prairies, harvest, etc. I changed my blog picture and I can see mountains. Nice.!!

We were going to go up to Canada this summer. Plans have changed and we are now going to Florida. We are going to spend a week on the beach and I am totally excited to soak up the sun in between watching 6 kids that is. It will be fun. I will miss Canada, Friends, Family and most of all slurpies with ice cream. No I will miss family the most but slurpies with ice cream are right up there!!

Summer is here and it is not too bad. Things are going well. The kids are doing a job in the morning and making sure their room is cleaned. That is nice. We get the things done during the day and also have fun. Especially today with the sun shining and looking like it won't rain. I think we will be heading to the pool today!

I have been thinking lately about kids growing up. There are times when I wonder if I will make it through the day with little kids. But I always can take a step back and relax. I know I will be sad when they are older but I can't wait for that time also. I think it will be a whole new back of having fun. I am preparing myself now to realize that they will grow up and I will miss it. I am really enjoying every moment, hug, cuddle, and I love you that I have with them right now. They are great kids and I am happy to be their mom!

Well, I hope you have a great summer, enjoy yourselves and be safe!